Saturday, October 9, 2010

Article | Adsense Ads Inside Blog Posts

Placing your adsense ads inside the post will increase the CTR (the number of times your ads clicked/number of times it is shown). And it means that more CTR you've got = more $$$ cash.

Placing ads inside the post or between post have more change to be clicked rather than ads in footer, left or right sidebar that everybody knows that there is an ads placement.

Here is step by step :

1. Login blogger, then open layout

2. Click on the Edit link on the blog post area.

Then You'll find a pop up window....

3. Then check at the 'Show ads between the posts' to show the adsense ads.

4. You can modified your adsense ads colors and size.

Now your adsense is ready. The ads will shown at the bottom in every posts you have.

And now 'How to put the adsense ads inside the posts?'

This is the question for many blogger and here is the tutorial to put an adsense code inside your post.

1. Now you are login to your blogger account, then click Layout > Edit HTML

Check at the 'Expand Widget Templates' first

2. Find the script below:

3. Then replace that code with this code below:

4. scroll again and find data-post body

5. Next is, paste the code below just above that code (To show ads above the post body). But If you want ads to show below the post, just insert the code below that tag.


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